Without exercise we surrender our bodies to grow old at a brutal rate. With aerobic exercise we feel a bit better, but the physical aging process marches on as before.
However, with very short and intense training we can actually bring physical aging to a halt and reverse it.
Amazing!? Yes. New? No.
Through the Paleolithic era, for millions of years, our very survival has depended on short intense bursts of energy whether hunting for a meal or sprinting and desperately climbing not to become one.
In the good old days our unclad ancestors’ survival itself was training, mostly short intense training. This form of training is within our genes most likely because the sprinters survived to pass them on. It therefore should not be surprising that our bodies respond best to short intense training.
It turns out that the more intense the training the better. In fact, an all out sprint for less than 60 seconds, followed by a period of rest is best. Doing several of these sprints in succession is anaerobic interval training.No matter what we call these short intense
bouts or bursts of anaerobic training, their training effect is far superior to aerobic exercise.
The magnitude of the benefits from short intense anaerobic training can best be put in perspective when we compare it to the old aerobic exercise we are more familiar with.
The greatest single benefit from short intensive training is the production of human growth hormone (HGH), which does not get produced with aerobic exercise but does get produced by anaerobic training.
As HGH is produced it goes to all parts of the body repairing and rebuilding whatever needs to be repaired, making the body younger. With HGH you look younger, your muscle mass increases, your bones increase in density, your nails and hair become healthy looking, all of your internal organs receive a boost of health, and even your eyes get brighter.
For aging persons,HGH is magic.
Right now in our overweight society a hot topic is “burning fat” with exercise. So, let us see what the “burning fat” difference is between aerobic exercise and anaerobic training.
The latest research shows us that anaerobic training “burns” over 500% more fat, than aerobic exercise. This is convincing. But wait, there is more! With anaerobic training the “fat burning” continues long after the training session is over, with additional calories being consumed.
For example, in the period from three to fifteen (3-15hr) hours after training, anaerobic training uses more calories than the whole aerobic training session itself.
This alone, again, could be considered a “slam dunk” in favor of anaerobic training. But there is even more! The rebuilding of muscle fibers after anaerobic exercise takes additional calories, which does not happen with aerobic exercise.
No matter how beneficial a workout may be, it is worthless when not done. A worn out excuse for not working out is, “I just don’t have the time.” But not any more, now that you know anaerobic training takes only a small fraction of the aerobic workout time, to
achieve the same results.
In fact, a few minutes a day with proper anaerobic training will give you a higher fitness level than long sweaty aerobic workouts.
What about cardiovascular fitness? Well, no contest. Short intense training improvesthe cardiovascular system quicker than aerobic exercise by a long shot. To improve, our cardiovascular system needs to be challenged, which anaerobic training does far better
than aerobic exercise.
Other than the above, the latest research gives short intense training (anaerobic) a better report card than aerobic exercise in the following areas:
Maximizing training value, increasing muscle mass, increasing metabolism, increasing energy, reducing stress, reducing blood pressure, normalizing cholesterol, increasing bone density, decreasing osteoporosis, decreasing joint problems, balancing blood sugar, decreasing diabetes, improving appearance, producing dopamine, increasing motivation, brightening outlook, improving muscle function, improving coordination, improving balance, improving athletic performance, and improving overall wellness.
It is obvious that short intense training should be mandatory for any human being who wishes to look fit and be fit. As the saying goes, “if you want to look like an athlete you better train like one”. The old aerobic exercise has a value for persons, who for medical reasons, cannot do intense training, or for persons who exercise for the pure joy of exercising.
First place for the optimum training method belongs to short intense training, or anaerobic training.
Typically a short intense training session could consist of a 15 second sprint, followed by 15 seconds of rest, repeated four times for a total sprint time of 60 seconds.
Or, a 20 second sprint followed by 20 seconds of rest, repeated three times for a total sprint time of 60 seconds.
Or, a 30 second sprint followed by a 30 second rest repeated twice, for a total sprint time of 60 seconds. That is it! But, when you sprint, you sprint all out.
Well, now is the time to make your resolve, consult your physician and start your real short intense workouts to grow younger fast.
Dr Juris Terauds Phd.
Professor Emeritus