I am often asked this question, particularly by personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and specialists who have not experienced a 20 to 60-second Xiser HIIT Pro Short Burst workout in the correct form as they
stare at the Xiser Machine that is not much larger than their foot prints!
Of course, the unit can be used for a closed-chain, non-impact warm-up or endurance work-out that challenges and develops an athlete’s balance and proprioception.
You may argue, however, that you already have something in your repertoire that accomplishes this objective. Just the same, the Xiser Machine and its accompanying programs will be a great compliment or adjunct for doing so!
So what’s different about the Xiser? Well, the Xiser HIIT Machine can also be used for closed-chain, non-impact high-intensity interval work-outs while further challenging balance and proprioception. Still nothing new?
Well, here’s where the Xiser provides something that few have ever experienced with ANY OTHER ACTIVITY let alone fitness or exercise equipment.
The nature of the hydraulics of the machine allows for a form that
produces a “static equilibrium”, high-frequency stepping action that challenges an athlete like nothing else available in the marketplace today.
What actually happens is that the body’s center of mass stays constant,
(imagine balancing a glass of water on your head), while the legs are stepping at as high a frequency as an athlete can produce, (300 + steps in a minute for an elite athlete).
What makes this experience unique is that, in order to prevent the body’s center of mass from moving up and down as we normally see with all other stepping activities, both legs have to work equally on both the up and
down strokes of the stepping action.
Consequently, the quads are working concentrically on the down stroke
and eccentrically on the up stroke, simultaneously while in opposition. This “no recovery” protocol leads to tremendous strength gains and the rapid gait change leads to tremendous neuromuscular development.
Once an athlete’s form is polished on the X-iser Machine, 10-20 second blasts can be sufficient to induce significant fatigue.
Consequently, the unit is a great addition to any circuit or interval work-out. And, we are talking both rehabilitation and conditioning here.
Proprioception, agility, coordination, and balance can be further
challenged by moving the feet further back on the pedals and by adding other activities such as a dumbbell curl and press or medicine ball drills into the modality or regimens.
Further, the unit can be used in a backward position for working dorsi flexion range of motion and tibialis anterior development, (any shin splints out there?), and for working lateral hip range of motion. Scapular
stabilization and core development is accomplished in a forward prone position and hamstrings, glutes and core stabilization in a backward supine position.
Numerous additional exercises are possible to introduce due to the unit’s size, portability, and uniquely connected hydraulic system.
Although the Xiser Machine and the Xiser programs are versatile and costeffective, I maintain that the machine’s unique ability to train the lower body in “static equilibrium” is what sets it apart from every other commercial or consumer product available in the marketplace today.
Once you have experienced X-iser Short Burst training with proper form, you will have a full appreciation of the benefits gained from the compliment of programs available in our Xiser workout programs.
Yours in Health & Performance,
Mark J. Smith, Ph.D.